
Lenovo ThinkPad X220 Laptop Price in Pakistan


Lenovo ThinkPad X220 Laptop Price in Pakistan


  • Intel Core i5 2nd Generation
  • 4GB DDR3 RAM
  • Hard Drive 320GB
  • 12.5′ LED Screen
  • Intel HD Graphics 3000
  • Windows 10


Lenovo ThinkPad X220 Laptop Price in Pakistan


Intel Core i5 2nd Generation


Hard Drive 320GB

12.5′ LED Screen

Intel HD Graphics 3000

Windows 10

Keyboard, touchpad, and screen

Lenovo’s always made some of the best laptop keyboards out there, and the board sitting within the X220 is no different. The curved keys provide just the right amount of feedback, and the spacing is almost perfect for touch typists like us. Actually, thanks to the slightly expanded 12.5-inch screen, Lenovo was able to work on the spacing quite a bit, and though we didn’t have an X201 to compare it to, the deck is far from cramped. On top of that, there’s absolutely no flex to the panel, although we did find the Z key on our review model to be a bit loose – we had to snap it correctly back in place, and even then it wouldn’t register our keystrokes on occasion. We’re hoping this issue isn’t widespread and is just a review unit glitch, but it’s hard to tell with so few of these out and about. As you can see from the pictures

The pointing and clicking functionality isn’t half bad, but the multitouch sensitivity was lacking. Even when we updated with new drivers, it wasn’t all that responsive to two-finger scrolling or pinch-to-zoom gestures. So, ironically, despite the two modes of navigation

Lenovo ThinkPad X220 Laptop Price in Pakistan


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